Sparring games

Sparring games

Go to, skill-based drills

Bear Pit

  • This exercise is great for mixing in new and old members
  • Fencers in full kit make a line around a circle or arena and one person volunteers to enter first
  • The first person in line enters and the two spar, the first one to land a win
  • The winner stays in the pit; the loser goes to the back of the line, banter is encouraged
  • The goal is for one person to fight everyone and be king of the ring


Conveyer Belt (of Doom)

  • All fighters line up shoulder to shoulder facing a partner in full kit
  • They fence for one minute till the instructor calls halt
  • Everyone rotates one spot so they have a new partner and they fence for one minute
  • This continues for however many rotations of the group the instructor feels like. When you meet your original partner in your original spot that is one revolution


Square Dance sparring

  • Everyone finds a partner and spars for 1 minute
  • After that minute they must run to find a new partner and spar for another minute
  • Rest after 3 minutes of continuous sparring


Practice Competition

  • This is when registration forms are sent out to fill a bracket and fencers fence for first second and third place with designated judges and directors in a low-stakes competition
  • This is done mostly to acclimate new fencers to the tournament atmosphere and get them used to one exchange at a time fighting
  • This also provides a more formal opportunity for everyone to practice different tournament roles as point is awarded to each fencer, and their scores determine who places where 


Fun drills


  • Have everyone line up in 2 even groups facing each other with a line down the middle and a border 2 feet behind them
  • The instructor calls “prepare to repel boarders” then “Boarding action” at which point each team tries to kill or knock out the other team
  • They can work together to defeat the other team
  • If they are hit, then they move out of the combat area
  • The winner is the last man standing
  • Another play is to have every man for himself on either side then call boarding action and have both sides fight as a team 


Mcbane’s duel

  • Everyone chooses a partner to spar with
  • After 1 minute a brawl breaks out, and you have to defeat all the other brawlers
  • The winner is the last team standing
  • If your teammate dies, then you both lose


Kill the king

  • One team has a king armed with a shield and weapon of their choice
  • The defenders have to protect their king from the attackers who want to kill them
  • If you are hit, you have to sit down
  • If the king is killed the defenders lose, if he stays alive for longer then 2 minutes the defenders win
  • Variations
    • Have the defenders protecting more than one king
    • Have an uneven distribution of shields
    • Have the attackers also have to protect a king (like capture the flag but with more murder)
    • Change the “map” to bridges or walls with chokepoint gates, whatever you can imagine
      • The castle arrangement (2 bridges and 1 central gate) is always a good variant
    • Experiment with giving the defenders an advantage in geography or numbers, play around and experiment


Capture the flag

  • There is a flag in both goals and a line down the middle
  • If you cross the line into enemy territory, you can be hit. If you get hit you go to Valhalla and can be rescued by a teammate
  •  If a defender is hit on their side they have to go to a specific point to respawn then wait 3 seconds before they can reenter the game


Link Tag

  • In this large group game of tag one person begins as “it”. As other players get tagged, they link arms with the person chosen to be “it” and form a chain.
  • The chain of people must work together and communicate as they try to tag the remaining players. Only the two people at the end with free arms can tag others.
  • The last player to get tagged is the winner, and a new game can begin.

Sharks and minnows

  • One or two people start in the middle as the sharks while everyone lines up against a wall as minnows
  • When the sharks call “fishy fishy come out and play” the minnows walk slowly towards the sharks
  • At any point, the sharks can call “shark attack!” at which point the minnows sprint for the opposite wall
  • While the minnows run the sharks try and tag as many as they can, if a minnow is tagged they become a shark. Once they touch the opposite wall they are safe. 
  • The game resets when there are only 1 or 2 minnows left who become the sharks for next round


Revenant tag

  • Each person has a sword and its every fighter for themselves
    • a no swords modification is everyone has a hand tucked behind their back and the only way to hit them is to tag that hand 
  • If you are hit you must sit down, you can still use your sword so long as your butt doesn’t move
  • If the person who killed you is hit then you get to stand back up
  • The game ends when one person is left standing or after 5 minutes