powered by TidyHQBeginner drills
Beginner drills
Beginner Drills
- These drills should be taught within the first two weeks of practice to introduce new students to the fundamentals of fencing
- Rounds and repetition drills are designed to build muscle memory. Not only does combat happen too fast for active thought, requiring the use of instincts and reflexes, but the more a skill is automated, the less your brain has to focus on it which clears up space for creative thinking in the moment of execution
- When giving feedback instructors should say one thing they are doing well and give one concrete, actionable suggestion
- “Hit harder to displace the blade” is vague and useless. “Twist your hips to engage your core as you strike to hit harder and displace the blade” is useful, give them something actionable that they can focus on and replicate.
- A good sentence starter for positive feedback is “I really like it when…” a good sentence starter for corrections is “next time try…”
Footwork rounds
- Set 1: Online simple and passing steps
- Start on a side and perform four simple steps down
- Perform a direction change, so you face back and perform four simple steps back
- While still facing back, move backward in reverse passing steps
- Perform a direction change, so you face front and move with reverse simple steps, so you end on the same side you started on facing front
- Do the exact same with online passing steps
- Set 2: Offline simple and passing steps
- Start on a side and perform four offline simple steps
- Perform a direction change and move on the opposite side from where you started after four steps you should make a large V and end up level with where you started
- While still facing back perform four reverse offline simple steps to the point of the V
- Perform a direction change and do the last four reverse offline simple steps on the original side to end up back where you started on the original side
- Perform four offline passing steps forward
- Do a direction change and come back with four front steps on the other side
- While still facing back do four reverse offline passing steps
- Do a direction change and do the last four reverse offline passing steps to end up where you started on the original side
- Set 3: compass steps and direction changes
- Start on the right side and perform four quarter compass steps to the left
- Perform four quarter compass steps to the right
- Step through, so you face backward on the right side
- Step through again, so you return to your original position
- Perform four direction changes
- Switch feet and repeat on the left side
- Set 4: gather steps
- Start on a side and perform four gather steps forward (back foot come even with the front then the fencer springs forward)
- Perform a direction change, so you face backward on the opposite side and perform four forward gather steps
- Remain facing backward and perform four gather steps moving backward on the same side
- Direction change, so you face forwards and perform four backward gather steps ending on the same side you started on
- Set 5: triangle and planted steps
- Start on the right side and perform four triangle steps ensuring you don’t move forward with the step (back foot steps out to the side even with the front foot then the front foot swings behind to become the back foot, you dont move with the step)
- Switch sides and repeat on the left side
- Perform four planted steps on the right side
- a planted step is when you push your back foot through but keep your lead foot planted so it becomes the back foot like a passing step, then reverse the motion so you wind up back on the original side. you should only move 1 leg 1 step, good for tight spaces like college dorms
- Switch feet and perform four planted steps on the left side
Combative acclimation
Armor acclimation
- Have students put on a helmet and gloves
- An instructor will lightly tap the top of the helmet and gloves
- They will up the intensity until the helmet is taking solid blows
- Throw in a few gentle thrusts to the face and bib
- Encourage the student not to close their eyes
- This isn’t hazing, they are in a contact sport, and they will get hit in the head, this is to show them the type of force that should be applied and that helmets really do work
Appropriate force
- Fencers are not always in full armor, even if they are it is rude and dangerous to always swing with maximum force
- Teach them to strike with intent then pull their strike at the last minute to lessen the blow
- They should hit with enough force to show the strike is there and with enough pressure for it to be felt but not too much pressure and force to cause damage
- They should be striking with intent not aggression
- Coach them through how much force is too much and how much is too little; they will refine this as they become more experienced
Simple attack and parry
- Fencer A and D stand in Zufecten with helmet and gloves
- A strikes a slow oberhau at D and D Parries
- The instructor should point out strong, weak, keeping the point online, and structure
- D parries 10 strikes to see what a sword aimed at the head looks like and how to stop it
- After 10 strikes switch sides, after 20 strikes total, switch roles
- Fencer A and D assume a wrestling position
- The goal is to move each other around and experience what resistance feels like
- Encourage them to push and pull each other to see how they can manipulate their opponent
Sword work
Clockwork drill
- Start on the right side and transition through
- Vom Tag
- High Vom tag
- Ochs
- Pfluge
- Alber
- Langort
- Schranckhut
- Nebenhut
- Switch to the left side and repeat
- The goal of this drill is to familiarize the new student with all the German names and what each guard feels like and how they flow together, as well as the prder we drill our guards in
Defending with the four guards
Vom Tag
- Fencer A and D start in Vom Tag
- Fencer A performs an Oberhau
- Fencer D wins the bind with good structure and thrusts at A’s face
- Reset and repeat ten times on each side
- Switch Roles
- Fencer A and D start in Vom Tag
- Fencer A performs an Oberhau
- Fencer D moves into Ochs and blocks with a strong thrust to the face
- Reset and repeat ten times, five on each side
- Switch Roles
- Fencer A and D start in Vom Tag
- Fencer A performs an Unterhau
- Fencer D moves into Pflug and thrusts to the gut
- Reset and repeat ten times, five on each side
- Switch Roles
- Fencer A starts in Vom Tag and D starts in Alber
- Fencer A performs an Oberhau
- Fencer D springs into Ochs to intercept the blow and thrust to the face
- Reset and repeat ten times, five on each side
- Switch Roles
This drill is designed to show how you match different guards to different attacks and attack and defend at the same time.
Hanger drill
- Each person splits up into groups of 2, one attacker (A) and one defender (D)
- D stands 1 step away from a wall, and A performs exaggerated slow strikes at the four openings
- D should counter lower attacks with Pflug and high attacks with Ochs
- Break up the movements to block, get the point online, and thrust
- Eventually, A should mix in thrusts and attacks to different openings
- After 10 strikes switch roles
- The point of the drill is to give D time to get into the right hanger and make defending from a position of strength a reflex
- This drill introduces the importance of the 4 hangers and gives the new students time to see the blow coming, recognize what hanger they need and get into position.
Guard rounds
- Start in Vom Tag on the right
- Perform two Oberhaus, and Unterhaus with passing steps, direction change and repeat on the left side. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started
- Without stopping, transition to high Vom tag and repeat the strikes, direction change and come back on the left side. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started
- Move to Ochs and perform two Middlehaus, thrusts, and Unterhaus, direction change and repeat on the left. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started
- Without stopping, move to Pflug and perform two thrusts, direction change, left side. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started
- Transition to Alber and perform 2 false edge Unterhaus, direction change and repeat on the left. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started.
- Move to Langort, 2 thrusts, direction change, left side repeat. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started.
- Schranckhut, 2 transitions, direction change, repeat on the left. Repeat on the left moving backward, direction change, repeat moving backward on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started.
- Nebenhut, unterhau, oberhau (with the false edge), direction change repeat starting on the left. Repeat on the left moving backwards, direction change, repeat moving backwards on the right. You should end up on the same side facing forward back where you started.
- End in Vom Tag on the right side facing forward
- This drill helps to familiarize students with the cuts and guards and provides a way to practice them in small spaces like a dorm room. Additionally it also builds muscle memory and familiarity with the movements that form the foundation of the system.
Master cut rounds
- Start in Vom Tag on the right and do the following, always reset to Vom Tag unless otherwise noted
- Zornhau from right to left
- Zornhau from left to right
- Zwerchhau from right to left at the upper left opening
- Zwerch from left to right at the upper right opening
- Zwerch from right to left at the lower left opening
- Zwerch from left to right at the lower right opening
- Krumphau from right to left
- Krumphau from left to right
- From Schranckhut perform a Krumphau from right to left
- From Schranckhut perform a Krumphau from left to right
- Schielhau (false edge) from right to left
- Schielhau from left to right
- Scheitelhau from right to left
- Scheitelhau from left to right
- Direction change and repeat starting on the left side